

Selamat malam blogoshphere! Malem ini gua punya satu cerita singkat yang pengen gue share, yang pasti menyangkut sama kehidupan nyata :D Hari ini gue ke gereja seperti biasanya, dan yang bikin ga nyangka itu hari ini gereja gue bagi-bagi Platform Charles&Keith! Seneng banget rasanya! Jadi pas dikasi tau kalo di hall gereja gue ada CK shoes terus boleh ambil sesuka hati ya gue langsung semangat dong ya, namanya juga naluri kewanitaan, kapan lagi dapet barang gratisan WKWK!, gua langsung ambil ancang-ancang buat jadi yang milih pertama biar ga kebagian yang sisa-sisa. Tapi yang pasti bukan itu hal yang pengen gue ceritain. Pandangan pertama gue langsung naksir sama platform yang berwarna merah. Red shoes ini awalnya menarik banget, keliatan bagus sama eye-catching banget. Suka deh pokoknya. Tapi redshoes nya keliatan agak kecil, jadi gue mutusin buat nyobain. Unfortunately, engga muat -_- Gue cek ukurannya ternyata 34 -_- Sedih bener rasanya, udah seneng banget kan sama modelnya. Eh ternyata ada temen gue yang lagi cari ukuran heels kecil, berhubung redshoes nya kecil ya gua suruh dia cobain, luckily it fix. And then, daripada gua gabawa pulang heels sama skali, gua mutusin buat cari yang laen. Dan akhirnya gue nemuin platform lain, jenisnya wedding shoes. Awalnya wedding shoes itu tampak biasa-biasa aja, tapi setelah diperhatiin lagi ternyata bagus dan ternyata itu best seller! Disini gua dapet banyak pembelajaran, salah satunya gua sadar kalo jadi yang terbaik itu lebih penting daripada jadi yang pertama :D Kejadian hari ini bener-bener nyambung sama “cerita” nya gue, dimana ketika sesuatu yang udah ga cocok lagi harus direlain dan pasti kita bakalan dapet yang jauh lebih baik, bahkan yang terbaik bagi kita. Ibarat setiap orang pasti nemuin ukuran sepatu yang pas, kita tentunya juga pasti nemuin orang yang bener-bener pas, hanya saja kita terus mencari dan tentunya gaboleh maksain apa yang udah ga cocok lagi. Keep exploding and the best will come ;)
Hmm kenapa posting kali ini gue kasih judul “Sepatu”? karna cerita ini terinspirasi sama lagu nya Tulus – Sepatu. Penasaran sama gimana lagunya? Cekidot!

*Ralat: “Cinta memang banyak bentuknya, berharap semua bisa bersatuu…”


The Conjuring

Halo bloggosphere! Daripada blog ini keliatan ga keurus, mending gua buruan post sesuatu hehe :D Udah pada nonton the conjuring belom? Halah seremnya ga serem-serem amat kok. Sereman Insidious kalo menurut gua. rada bete sih, 35k tapi ga worth it *pelitnya bukan maen* wkawkawka. Menurut gua, yang bikin seremnya itu cuma gara-gara itu cerita nyata. Iya sih kalo ceritanya beneran nyata ya emang rada bikin merinding juga! Adegan kesurupannya, terus yang clap hands itu bikin parno sendiri. Sama yang nenek-nenek terjun dari atas lemari, bah itu adegan paling ngagetin, bikin males kalo buka lemari WKWKWK

Dan yang pasti, cerita ini mirip-mirip sama Insidious, cuma Insidious lebih menantang soalnya ada cerita yang Bapaknya masuk kedunia lain buat nyelamatin anaknya, terus akhirannya ngegantung gitu hahaha :D Ya Insidious sama Conjuring juga hampir sama lah, intinya film-film horror gitu ngajarin orang-orang deh kalo mau beli rumah itu jangan di hutan, sendiri, diujung, ga ada tetangga, apalagi rumah lelangan! Setidaknya lebih baik punya rumah kecil di kota daripada rumah gede tapi di tengah hutan dan terpencil! Kebayang kan kalo sekali masuk trap nya si makhluk laen, itu udah macem keinjek permen karet. sekali melekat tetep melekat! Oh no amit" dah -_-v

Buat yang penasaran ato yang pengen cobain sensasi nonton film setan yang lagi hits sekarang *lebe*, coba nonton aja :D dibilang gabagus juga engga, dibilang bagus juga engga. Hmm, gua sih bisa tidur abis nonton Conjuring, gak nyampe se-parno abis nonton Insidious, parno nya tingkat ujung, puncak, akut, klimaks, atas, tebing! Muehehehe :D Di The Conjuring ini gak gitu banyak adegan yang ngagetin kok, jadi gausa bawa penutup muka dan sebagainya wkawkaa :D Dan nanti tigabelas september ini nih, ada Insidious2! nah kalo yang ini kayaknya bakalan worth watching dah :)) Happy watching guys! Mari guncang panggung bioskop #loh wkawka :D


(: If it's meant to be, it will be

At this point I don't even care. I'm just going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens. If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back. Love burns the brightest, but the brightest flames always leave the deepest scars. No need to think about the consequences at the future. Take every chance we get, so we won’t regret later. Fight for what you want, for what worth fighting for. Sometimes we have to take risks because life is ironic. Good memories can make we cry. Bad memories can also make we laugh. Love isn't about reading the same page. It's about reading the whole book and smiling. When we finally get something good, enjoy it. Don't go looking for something better because one makes complete enough but two will destroy everything. If we want it we'll find a way, if not we'll find an excuse. When we have someone special in your life, don't ruin it by making stupid decisions. Say what we feel, it's not being rude. It's being real. What's real doesn't fade away. If we don't see them in the future, it's time to put them in our past and move on because if we're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward us with a new hello. Learn to admit our mistakes, before someone exaggerates the story and make us looks dumb miserable. No matter how good or bad we think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Sometimes we don't understand about God's plan but we gotta believe that one day it'll be worth it. 

“Love will always find way back.” - Cinderella

Jakarta 2013,

The Lucky One :D


☀ Daylight

Here I am waiting, I’ll have to leave soon
Why am I holding on?
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along
How did it come so fast?

This is our last night but it's late
And I'm trying not to sleep
Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah

Here I am staring at your perfection
In my arms, so beautiful
The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out
Somebody slow it down

This is way too hard, cause I know
When the sun comes up, I will leave
This is my latest glance that will soon be memory

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woahOh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah

I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, start all over,
I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah)
                                     Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah!

Tonight will be the last night to stay and tomorrow will be the days I’ll have walked pass it all. And in the end, we must leave soon on it all. We knew this going wrong, and both of us have to give up. I’ll take it first. This is not the end of us, but this is the last day I need to hold you so close. When I wake, I’ll have to slip away, cause when the daylight comes, I’ll have to go. Just for tonight I’m gonna hold you so close. You deserve to get a better. Better

Jakarta 2013,
The Lucky One


(: It's a Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful day - Boyce Avenue
I don’t know why
You think that you could hold me
When you couldn’t get by by yourself
And I don’t know who
Would ever want to tear the seam of someone’s dream

Baby, it’s fine, you said that we should just be friends
While I came up with that line and I’m sure
That it’s for the best
If you ever change your mind, don’t hold your breath

‘Cause you may not believe
That baby, I’m relieved
When you said goodbye, my whole world shines

Hey hey hey
It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling
If we're drinking, then I’m buying
And I know there’s no denying

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing
And even if it started raining
You won’t hear this boy complaining
‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one that got away
It’s a beautiful day

It’s my turn to fly, so girls, get in line
‘Cause I’m easy, no playing this guy like a fool
Now I’m alright
Might’ve had me caged before, but not tonight

‘Cause you may not believe
That baby, I’m relieved
This fire inside, it burns too bright
I don’t want to say “so long”, I just want to say “goodbye”

It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling
If we're drinking, then I’m buying
And I know there’s no denying

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing
And even if it started raining
You won’t hear this boy complaining
‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one who got away

‘Cause if you ever think I’ll take up
My time with thinking of our break-up
Then, you’ve got another thing coming your way
‘Cause it’s a beautiful day

Beautiful day
Oh, baby, any day that you’re gone away
It’s a beautiful day (:

Jakarta 2013,
The Lucky One